Having the right sales team is only half the battle. They need the right story and content to win: from effective positioning to a killer deck and content that helps further the sales process.
Sublime will supercharge your sales team with everything they need to sell more. This starts with the right positioning — ensuring your story connects with customer pain points. And then extends to a winning pitch deck and collateral, like one pagers, to help quickly communicate your value prop.
Finally we can help target prospects at each stage of the sales cycle to put content in front of them that helps move them through the funnel.
We are killer storytellers, from sales decks to fundraising presentations to keynotes. Our clients have leveraged our storytelling talents to present themselves in the best light, and win hundreds of millions of dollars in business over the past few years.
Our storytelling workshop always starts with a deep dive into your customers, their needs, and their pain points. We also spend time looking at competitors and the market to ensure your story is both relevant and connected. From there, we walk you through a clear and easy-to-use framework to create a compelling story about your company and your customers.
Our workshop is a great way to bring together disparate opinions and create one source of truth so everyone in your company is saying the same thing, in the same way. Most importantly, it will help create a framework that you can use as the foundation for all of your marketing and sales materials — from keynotes to pitch decks to one pagers and your website.