
There are a lot of great lawyers out there, and you’re one of them. Instead of getting lost in the crowd, harness the power of branding to differentiate yourself and your firm from the competition. Creating a brand for a law firm doesn’t mean plastering your face and a cheesy slogan on the side of […]
You can’t build a great marketing strategy overnight. Brand testing, like all great things, takes a lot to get just right. This means you can’t let yourself get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan. Instead, think of it as one big experiment. Take the time to learn from what works and what doesn’t […]
New Year, New Marketing Trends! Out with the old and in with the new. What’s the new you ask? In 2017, customers want to be actively engaged, wherever they go, by the content they see from companies whose goods and services they use. In today’s tech dominated world, this means catering to audiences’ shortened attention […]
Finding your brand voice is one of the fundamental keys to building a strong audience. In today’s über-connected world, people are constantly bombarded by images, messages, ads and content at every corner and on every screen. The brands that break through the noise have worked hard to create their own unique voice. So how do you […]
Always stay on brand: this is possibly the most important thing to keep in mind as you are building your effective marketing strategy. But what does that mean? Well, it means outlining what your brand stands for ahead of time and then using the same messaging and design elements consistently, across everything you do. Brands […]