Graphic Design

“You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”   For many brands and organizations, a website homepage serves as a virtual front door and the first touchpoint you’ll have with potential customers. Suffice to say, this is some valuable digital real estate that doesn’t just need to look good and be […]
2023 was a creative year for us here at Sublime. We had a blast learning new things (resulting in three new services in 2024) and most importantly, our favorite part was getting to spend even more time with our awesome clients, who we absolutely love! Take a look at some of the highlights below. We […]
Working on design projects can be downright hard. Over the years, we’ve seen where there can be a lot of confusion between designer and client and sometimes it feels as though different languages are being spoken between the two. The disconnect and miscommunication can honestly become a disorienting process that results in frustration on both […]
Fundraising in today’s market is tough – the competition for capital is fiercer than ever and if you want to win, you need to prove to investors why they can trust you. A fundraising deck is the first opportunity to accomplish this. But not all decks are created equal. In fact, most of them sound […]
Infographics -- they're worth the hype
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – people today have really short attention spans.. And for good reason. Any human who isn’t living under a rock is inundated daily with information from all angles — social media, email, phones, billboards, tv…and more. So how do you cut through the noise, especially when […]
I’m of that rare age group that remembers life before social media but has also spent much of my adult life, especially my professional life, engaging with it and leveraging it for my clients and my own business. If you’re reading this blog, chances are it’s because you found it through a post I created […]
To say that people have limited attention spans these days is an understatement. In fact, I’ll just be happy if you make it to the end of this blog. Between emails, texts, phone calls, FaceTimes, the tv, news, social media and everything else begging for our attention on a daily basis, it’s no wonder. As […]
While marketing fads come and go, one thing remains consistent regardless of the evolution of technology or where we are as a society – the need for creative advertisements to make your brand stand out. Maybe I’m biased, given that I do this for a living, but this is the fun part. You’ve done the […]
Do you remember when CDs first came out? I’m of the age where I most certainly do. And I remember exactly what I thought: “This will never catch on.” Alas, I’m not always right. I also thought minidisc players were going to catch on, so that tells you something. I’m from that in-between generation that […]
As the great Bob Dylan famously said, “Times, they are a changin’.” And man, are they ever. Yet, despite this, many companies are doing the same ol’ thing with the same ol’ formula when it comes to their websites, and it isn’t working anymore. It’s time to start considering the customer and how they interact […]
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine  People are a product of their environments, and brands are no different. Which is why it’s so important to change up those environments once in a while. With that said, as the inevitable post-holiday blues kick in […]
From the first interaction an audience has with your brand, visual cues guide and shape the experience. Key brand elements like your color palette, fonts, and logo make your mark and remind your customers of you and what you represent. Your choices of icons are an essential, but often overlooked element of your cohesive brand […]