
When my husband and I were planning on having a baby last year, I was admittedly nervous, but not for reasons you may think. Sure, I was thinking about the realities of what it would mean for my personal life, what it would do to my body, and all of the other things women have […]
By now, you know that content marketing is an effective way to capture the attention of current clients and potential customers, as well as a powerful supplement to your marketing strategy. Whether you’re diving into the process of designing an eBook yourself or working with a creative team like Sublime Designs Media, you can increase […]
Brand design is like fashion — trends quickly come and go. And while popular styles can come back around, it will always be in a different way. Just as your taste in clothes, music, hairstyles, partners, and living spaces evolves with age and maturity, so does your company’s brand. This evolution happens slowly, sometimes a […]